Mindfulness Monday

I don’t know if it’s the “eclipse phenomenon”, this chronic pain I’ve been dealing with lately, or something else, but wow have I been scatterbrained today. I started to name this post “Mindless Monday”, because my mind has been a bit messy so far. But, I didn’t want to give the “messy” that much credit or power.

Though I haven’t blogged all that often, I’ve been writing, or capturing ideas and thoughts, regarding a few different topics over the last few weeks. The problem is that I’ve written journal entries, notes, emails, and documents. All electronic, sure. But with all the different ideas and locations, it is getting a bit challenging to keep sorted. In fact, I spent considerable time this morning just “chasing my tail”, trying to track down one particular idea I’d written about. After a while, I gave up and went for a short run.

The run did provide some relief for some of the anxiety. I’d love to tell you that I had a moment of clarity while out running and knew exactly where to look when I returned. I thought I remembered. But, my thought was incorrect. And then, in the middle of looking in the wrong place, I did finally recall and locate what I was looking for. Whew!

I’m still feeling pretty scattered, but a bit amused and endeavoring to practice kindness to myself about it. Next thing I’m going to do is spend some time meditating.

What do you do when this sort of thing happens? What are your go-to mindfulness practices?

16 thoughts on “Mindfulness Monday

    1. Yes, this is often part of my approach, too. I meditated on Isaiah 26:3 for a while. Actually, as soon as I wrote that I would spend time meditating, that verse came to me. He’s good like that.

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  1. I usually do some coloring, either digital or on paper. It’s very mindless and allows me to unplug. But if I’m feeling restless and annoyed, I play video games because stabbing people is best done virtually. ^_^

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