be badass

I volunteer through a platform pursuing connection with people who are hurting or at a crisis point and searching for help via the web. Yesterday – Thanksgiving Day – someone entered a search about “feeling depressed”, and ended up being matched with me.

So, while hanging out with family and friends, I was messaging back and forth with this person. I will not get into their story, as that is not my place.

What struck me was that this person chose to risk being vulnerable, and to share part of their story with me, a volunteer and virtual stranger. It very much reminded me of the quote above from a longer post by Brené Brown, which I read sometime ago.

On a day when many people feel like they must have it all together and present their best image to the world, this person chose to let down their guard, be real, and ask for support. Seeking connection, choosing vulnerability, especially when feeling isolated and depressed, is an amazing act of courage. In the words of Brené Brown, it’s badass.

Be badass.

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